Look at the image created by "Text is Beautiful", and think about the following questions:
1. What are the key concepts of this talk?
2. How the words of the same color might be conceptualized together?
Now, watch the video with or without English subtitle depending on your proficiency level. Think about two questions:
1. According to Geary, what are the functions of metaphor?
2. What is the mathematics of metaphor?
Enjoy the video below, you are only required to watch the first 3 minutes in the class, but feel free to watch the whole episode after the class.
Vocabulary activity:
1. Watch the video and read the transcript again. Pay attention to unfamiliar words, feel free to mark or circle those words on the handout.
2. Compile an unfamiliar word list on Google spread sheet :Pick 5-10 unfamiliar words you think is important and fill out the vocabulary sheet. If you have the same unfamiliar vocabulary with other students, do not form a new vocabulary list, but add your initials on the "By people" blank.
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